We apologize in advance if you are having trouble reaching us by phone. When taking phone calls from customers we are sure to answer any concerns and questions. Therefore our phone line stays busy a lot. We would like to remind everyone that we can also be reached through our email grooming@dogdesalon.com to schedule an appointment or to ask questions. Thank you very much!
Our goal is simple: take care of each of pup like if they are your own.
Here at Dog dé Salon we strive daily to be a stress-free grooming salon committed to the beauty, health, and happiness of your pet. You can rest assured that our salon services are much more than just beautiful grooming. We also are continuously monitoring the health and happiness of your pet while in our care. Like you, we are animal lovers. We work our hardest to have your pet’s appointment last no longer than 3 hours. We use the highest quality shampoo and equipment available to our industry.
We are always prepared for any pets' needs and ensure that your pet will receive the best care and love. Their happiness and care is our priority and we strive to provide a service we would want our own pets to receive.